Alchemy Healing Center Gift Certificates
  • Buy a gift certificate for your loved one, and we can email or send it to you.
  • Use your certificate for an acupressure, acupuncture or massage session.
  • You select the amount.
  • Use one for a session with Leta ($150).
  • Use one for a session with Raili ($110).​
  • Use one for a massage with Yeshe, Jeff or Tracey ($90 or $75).
At The Alchemy Healing Center, we provide more than just standard TCM acupuncture that focuses on getting the worker back to work as soon as possible. We believe getting to the root or source of the cause of problem is the key to greater healing and long lasting success. 
Every practitioner at Alchemy Healing Center is trained in our unique form of energetic acupressure healing that is needle-less Chinese Medicine. You have the choice of getting acupuncture or energetic acupressure in your treatments. This form of medicine is one of the oldest in history.
Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine evaluates your whole system and creates a formula that is unique to your particular situation. Chinese Herbal Medicine will help you get to the source of the health challenge.
Nutrition is a critical component of your healing process. Our practitioners rely on thousands of years of understanding and knowledge of food groups to create a nutrition plan that is unique to your situation. 
We offer a unique massage experience that blends Eastern and Western modalities. We combine our Alchemical focus with the healing aspects of massage, making our sessions the perfect accompaniment to any treatment.
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